
Much Thanks!

I just wanted to thank everyone for voting on our Baby Girl names. Keep voting, more than once is fine . . . we're getting close now. I went to the doctor yesterday and am already dilated 2 cm and 50% effaced. My doctor said many women can be like that for weeks before delivering. So we shall see if she waits a few more weeks . . . I'm not due til the 20th of February, BUT both my boys were early: Will was 5 days early, and Jonny was 11 days early. So who knows? We can't wait to meet our little girl! :) 


hartleyhouse said...

You know what our favorite name is! We're excited for the arrival of your little girl, Good luck!!!


Laura said...

Hang in there and keep us posted. Annika voted for us and my vote again. She loves Katie, but what little girl doesn't!!

Jamie Dana said...

You are almost there!!! You are going to love having a little girl Jen. They are so much fun.

I almost named Katelyn Claire. It is one of my favorite names. All of your names are so cute though. I can't wait to find out which one you go with.

Hang in there (: