
Jonny Boy is 3

Our second little man turned 3 on April Fools Day and we had a sweet bowling party at Big Als. The Nielsens came down from Oly-town plus Joe and Rhonda, Laura and Colby's crew came, and Nana, Papa, and Uncle Brian were there. Thank you everyone for making it such a fun day for him.

The birthday boy and his big bro scoping out the bumper lane
Thank you Kevin for refereeing all the kids! You were all over that and they loved it!
Katie Bug and her Aunt Chanelly ;0)
The Dynamic Duo together again!
The lone wolf . . . I think he had too much birthday
The sweet cake! I SO wish I could take credit for this bad boy, but alas, I have to give it up for Safeway's bakery. Those of you who know me wouldn't believe it anyway. ;0)

Happy Birthday Bud! We love you so much! MWAH


Kevin said...

Jonny's hair is awesome. I wish Chanel would let me do that.

Shalyse said...

such a cute little party Jen!! and I'm with ya on the cake thing, I've never made a big ole fancy one for my girls yet, not brave enough! :-)

Burnhams said...

he is so old! no way! and very cute. I love that he has stayed so blonde.