

This post is a mish mosh of things from the past month . . .

Tis the season . . . I have two friends expecting babies soon--can't wait to get my baby fix! :) My friend, Windy, and I hosted the first one a couple weeks ago for our friend, Alyssa. She's having a baby girl and it was a blast putting together the party. It all turned out SO cute I had to take some pics to document it all before we dug in.

Candy jars and goodie bags to go

Alyssa (on the right) and Kelsey who's also due soon showing off their rootbeer bellies
Miss K strutting her stuff in her favorite outfit (this week)

Will had his Kindergarten Singing Concert last weekend and we had to warm up the camera in the stands while we waited, so D got some cutie patootie shots of the kids while we waited.

Will did SO good! He was so animated and loved performing . . . shocker :) . . . he's in the second row, 3rd in from the left.
Nana and Papa came to see Will perform and since Nana's bday was coming up we had a little celebration for her when we got back from the concert. Happy Bday Nana!!! We love you!
The kids always have to help blow out the candles.

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